2016. március 30., szerda

Why i like Japan ?

First of all,i apologize for my bad english.

Than...How i start it.. Why I like Japan?
It's a simple question..but hard to answer it. I'm thinking it since...last monday maybe but my mind always create new reasons. But now I'm sitting in my bath and easier to write.
Firstly... How I met this culture? It's pretty simple. In the Tv. Dragon Ball, Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! series were my childhood h. I was really young...like 3 or 4 years old when I watched Pokémon with a big eyes and i didn't miss any of episodes. I didn't know that it's anime,but a feel it's different. Than come Dragon Ball,Inuyasha,Tokyo Mew Mew and like these. Ah man...I like them now too.Than A+ and Animax came into my life. I started to know it's japanese and call anime and these little things. These are different because kids must to think   about : "What's happened? Who is the bad guy ? Whose fault is that situation? "and like these questions. But maybe just i was too strange kid.Who knows?~
When I was older I started to search information about Japan. I didn't faund a lot in hungarian cause peoples here don't really care Asia. In this time i was...10 or 12 years old and here came Nana into my life. Nana was the reason why i started to like japanese music and dare to be myself...
Than I found Miyavi,Lm.c ,Gackt and Gazette. Their music...help me a lot and touch my heart. In this time i was....really depressive person. I don't really know why,but i didn't find the reason to live but there was my curiosity.
I wanted to know more and more. Than i started to use internet and decided: In the future...I will go to Japan.
Ahw god...seriously there are so many matsuri (festival) and tradition and when you know more you realise that you know nothing and of course you want to change it. 
I was that strange kid Who always was alone,didn't talk and live ín her own world or just read (very often) and listen  japanese music.
3 years...in the hell. I have 1 friend. Of course I could talk with everyone but i don't want. Because sometimes(usually>-<)...it was so boring. But... I started to write poems...I felt better and I had more energy. After it I started to watch Bleach. Of course I like Ichigo,but i like more Kira Izuru,Ichimaru Gin,Hisagi Shuhei,Urahara Kisuke,Ukitake Jushiro,Kyouraku Shunsui and later Grimmjow jeagerjaques and Ulquiorra Schiffer. So in this time my head was full of with sexy Kira Izuru.( Don't ask why,but i like him :'D ) aand because of it I started to write. I was so bad... but I love it :D Than....the next year I met my ultimate Sensei...because of Japan... She is a really good person...I can't imagine my life without her. In this year I met Rei-san too.She is an amazing artist. I'm always jelous her drawings. (>.<)>  And it was just the beginning. I met so many kind and lovely person beacuse of this little country. I was alone mostly but usually I was not lonely. I had hope and this thing constant in my life.Of course now I know about the country's dark side and I accept it.
In the last year I started to watch some japanese vlogger or ppl who lives there like TheAnimeMan,Einshine,Rachel&Jun,SharlainJapan and like them. I really enjoy it~ They show me a different view of this beutiful island.
So..Why I like Japan? I like it because it's so colorful,has beutiful culture, honor the old peoples,They are so strong and proud and give me help,friends,goals,hobbies,standards and I'm here.... because of Japan...:)
I can't say enough: thank you .

OMG I'm so embrassed...My english is really bad but it's one way to improve it....
Ahw...That's all...>//< So... Bye Bye ^///^

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